Dear friends,
First of all the translation is the precept is not "inapporpriate sex" but " wrong conduct in sexual pleasures" kamesu micchacara ... wrong conduct means always: conduct by which you harm yourself or others. Wrong conduct always creats duffering. Harming others means: violation, abuse, destroying relationships etc. and has nothing to do with homosexuality or heterosexuality.
Secondly, in Buddhism is the law of Kamma. You are born as you are born. Heterosexual or homosexual. Nobody can or will judge you about that. From the way you are you can reach enlightenment in this life or in a next one. So any one who condemns homosexuality has nothing understoot of buddhism. It is your own decision how to implement the buddhist way in your life as homosexual or heterosexual.
Thirth. Buddhism has no lwas etc you have to follow like christianity. Good and bad are only conventional things and are not part of buddhism. Buddhism offers you a way to elightenment. The shortest way is to become a monk or nun and thy to get red of all attachement. That is the reason why these people follow much more rules and live in celibacy. Because in the end all relationship and sexuality will cause suffering, because it creates attachement and in the end we have to separate from our beloved ones. But not everybody can become monk or nun, because of his or her kamma. As lay people we still creates relationships and we still have to separate from our beloved ones.
Fourth. The buddha always told us to examin his advices, not to jugde other with it or to make starements about wrong and good. Because these vision, ideas and statements makes us seffering. It is just the buddhist way to let go all these statements. Buddhist meditaion is just based on that. If we act in the world we have to accept the situation and the people we meet like they are and not withs views and rules.
Fifth. If something is natural or not has nothing to do with buddhsim. Being angry can be learned or natural. But is is in both senses not a way to happines. So we have to get rid of this emotion if we want to find happiness.
At least. Another great guideline in buddhism is compassion. Always have compassion... with everybody...
Conclusion: buddhism has nothing against homosexuality or heterosexuality. It depends how you act as homosexual or heterosexual. If you are destroying relations, make abuse of others, abuse children etc. it will bring you suffering The basic rule is: if you creates suffering, you will get suffering... if you create happiness, compasion, ... you will get happiness.
My advice is... try to do meditation every day, try to get rid of these fixed ideas, show compassion for all living beings and try to implement the guidelines the Buddha gave that fix to your situation... The Buddha always told us: never to believe something because someone, even if it was The Buddha himself has said it, but to find out in your own life...
I ask you please do not write things here that hurts others... It is much worse the harm others with your words than to be homosexual or heterosexual...
Please do not write thing here that are not in accordance with buddhism
But most of all do not write things here that you have not experienced in your own life... please try to get first insight by yourself and you will see all these views and statements creates only suffering to others and has nothing to do with Buddhism.
May you all be happy and without suffering!
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